Marmalakes' most recent album was 2018's Please Don't Stop," released by Austin Town Hall Records.

Chase Weinacht was born and raised in Texas, growing up on and off a farm in rural north Texas. Now based in Austin, Weinacht has worked a variety of jobs when not on tour. He’s worked at a moving company, a greenhouse, and most recently as a music teacher for the Mother Falcon Music Lab and at a preschool and after-school program. 

Those conversations between 4-year olds also serve to inform Weinacht’s dissection of language. 

Weinacht shares in his Keeled Scales labelmates' care and craft for songwriting. “Leap Day” is a song skillfully crafted, with embellishments used strategically. The songs’ first draft was written in 2015 about a day in 2008, but never felt like it belonged anywhere with the Marmalakes material.

And while a Marmalakes’ song can often be layered in references and polished enough to be presentable, Chase’s solo work feels much more personal, with room left to feel unfinished. The songs don’t necessarily need drums to breathe and a scrap or a fragment can have as much power as a fully-fledged idea.

Marmalakes is currently at work on a new album. 

